26 December 2023

My story

My trading history I started daytrading in 2011 at age 23. I followed alerts, chased stocks and had no idea what I was doing which led me to blow up 3-4 times in my first 2 years of trading. I didn’t give up, I studied more, tried harder, did more of what worked and less

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Different stages and types of a company

I’m writing this post to help me find and identify stocks to invest/trade-in. I found this table of the different stages of a company: Source: https://twitter.com/BrianFeroldi/status/1245720168912826370 Peter Lynch classifies stocks into 6 groups: 1. Fast growers. 25%+ earnings growth. 2. Medium growers (stalwarts). Steady 10-12% earnings growth. 3. Slow growers (sluggards). No or very little

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How these momentum stocks perform in a short-term market pullback

This has been an ideal market for professional momentum chasers like me. For last several weeks the market has rewarded momentum. Many traders are skeptical of momentum strategies and which is a good thing. That is what makes market interesting. And creates profit for momentum traders. However, studies after studies show that the only persistent

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